Managed Services Provider Marketing Agency

Managed Services Marketing is our specialty. Decades of experience helping IT services firms grow.

Thinking-Power of a
Marketing Consultancy

Getting-It-Done Power of a
Marketing Agency

It’s not either or with Magnetude

Need to amp up your marketing efforts? You’ve landed in the right place.

You need a marketing agency that already knows how to market IT services – the market landscape, competitors, tech platforms and service lines, and prospect persona and pain points.

Why? To ramp fast (no hand holding here), hit the ground running, and show results.

Senior marketing experts that already know what works (and what doesn’t).

Every marketing discipline – from strategy to execution – all in one place. You could say we ARE Managed Services – for Marketing!

Our Market Experience

IT Services & Consulting

The bread and butter every organization needs.


From select cyber services – MSSPs to partnering with MDR and other cyber providers.

Some of our Amazing Clients

From small regional to global leaders

What We Do

Get what you need, when you need it. We work seamlessly with existing marketing teams or we can be your whole team. All senior marketers who know how to impact your business fast.

Messaging & Positioning

Strategic Marketing Plans

Channel & Partnerships

Demand Generation & Paid Media

Website Design & Development



We perform seamlessly like your very own in-house marketing function. Or provide the most effective blend of your existing capabilities and our specific expertise.

From Magnetude, you’ll get just what you need to be successful.

Respect Your Investment?

We work alongside your people and process investment, to protect and maximize your assets.

Full-Service Capability?

We’ll make sure you have exactly what you need, precisely when you need it.

Every Service Forced On You?

We’ll configure programs that are unique to your business and fine-tuned to deliver rapid results.

eBook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Right Marketing Firm for Managed Service Providers

Marketing for managed IT services can be a challenge, but there are inherent opportunities for managed IT services companies who get marketing right—and for MSPs, getting marketing right often means working with a marketing partner.

By outsourcing some or all of your marketing to an outside marketing firm, you can easily scale your marketing efforts, and have instant access to an experienced marketing team. Above all, they need to have deep expertise in both marketing AND B2B technology and services (including often cybersecurity), markets and customer personas.

Download the eBook to learn how to find the right marketing partner for your MSP.

Delivering results in the fast-paced IT services and MSP marketing space

Our IT services and MSP marketing team is structured to deliver results quickly. Through our experience in the IT and MSP industry landscape, we’ve gained a comprehensive understanding of the key issues and the essentials for crafting effective marketing strategies and initiatives.

Creating effective marketing campaigns requires using a variety of marketing strategies and tactics, especially in the complicated world of technology and IT. Companies that limit themselves to a handful of marketing strategies or adopt a siloed approach often experience subpar results. Many are facing challenges in:

  • Keeping abreast of the latest trends in the IT services and MSP market
  • Acquiring the in-depth knowledge in both marketing and technology necessary for creating compelling content tailored to IT and MSP audiences
  • Adequately addressing the full breadth of B2B marketing skill sets required for successful execution
  • Keeping pace with rapidly evolving technology, best practices, and tools, across the entire marketing ecosystem
  • Developing innovative and captivating IT services and MSP marketing concepts and campaigns

One proven way to navigate these challenges is to supplement your team with external resources. Whether you need expertise in specific functional areas of marketing or additional manpower to augment your team’s efforts, consider partnering with an IT services and MSP marketing agency for everything from project-specific support to full-scale outsourcing of your IT and MSP marketing activities.

At Magnetude Consulting, our IT services and MSP marketing specialists work with clients across a range of engagement models. For many clients, our journey begins with an evaluation or formulation of their IT services and MSP marketing strategies and plans through our Rapid Marketing Assessment offering.


Magnetude IT Services Client Testimonial: Loffler Companies

James Loffler, President at Loffler Companies shares his experience working with Magnetude. We engaged with Loffler starting in 2023 for a comprehensive evaluation of their marketing, message unification, and to help capture their unique value in the market.

Marketing Insights for IT Services Firms


Identifying the right mix of marketing activities that drives sales and optimizes your marketing investment remains a significant hurdle for marketers in the IT and MSP sectors. As organizations grapple with these challenges, staying informed about marketing tools, best practices, and industry trends can be a challenge.

One way to keep your marketing acumen current is to follow blogs or subscribe to newsletters from IT services and MSP marketing thought leaders. These experts often share insightful content that can keep you informed and enhance your marketing strategies for IT services and MSPs. Below are a few of our top resources that could inspire and improve your marketing efforts:

Don’t Waste Free Cash: Maximizing Market Development Funds (MDF) for Growth

Effectively leveraging Market Development Funds (MDF) can be a game-changer for MSPs and IT services firms aiming to scale their growth. Whether you’re exploring the possibilities MDF offers for the first time, realizing you aren’t fully capitalizing on funds, or looking to optimize existing efforts, understanding how to effectively use these funds is crucial.

Blog: 6 Marketing Tips for MSPs to Maximize Pipeline Growth

As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), you excel at delivering top-notch IT services to your clients. However, in today’s competitive landscape, providing excellent services alone is not enough to stay ahead. Effective marketing strategies are crucial for MSPs to maximize pipeline growth and attract new customers. Our blog explores six marketing tips that can help MSPs strengthen their marketing efforts and achieve growth.

MSP Marketing Questions Answered: Essential FAQs for Growth in IT Services

We get a lot of really good questions from our IT and MSP clients and network—questions that are actionable and provide great insight for other firms looking to grow. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of these frequently asked questions for firms looking to market the right way in today’s environment, from budgeting considerations to resourcing (and outsourcing) to strategy pivots and more.

Proud Sponsor of the MSP Association of America

The MSP Association of America (MSPAA) has been established with three primary missions, each of which follows a unique trajectory aimed at providing our clients, members, and students with a collaborative and informative pathway towards building a future for technology, business, and education.

Magnetude Consulting Wins Gold Award for Best Cybersecurity Marketing Agency - 4 Years Running!

Finding the smart path to growth, keying in on true differentiators, and getting the attention of prospects through unified cybersecurity marketing and sales programs to an audience that hates marketing-speak is a challenge. Good news? We’ve helped clients do this and more.